Our planet, our home!
Have you already heard about the book “Silent Spring,” written by Rachel Carlson in 1962? In this book, Rachel alerted us to the effects of pesticides’ indiscriminate use on the environment.
Our planet’s becoming silent! Our planet’s losing its life! That is one of the worst consequences of our actions in search of a “better world.”
We are destroying nature! We are leading to the extinction of all the wild species!
Is this what you want for the world? What are you doing to help and protect the planet?
We need to change our way of life! There is no plan B. There is only one path to follow. It’s time to create a new generation of people that can fix all damages to the environment.
What to do?
Bring nature to your life! Bring nature to your home! Bring nature to your classroom!
Help to share this idea! Help to educate children to love nature! Help to change the world!
Let’s create a better world; in which we can share space with wild animals and live in harmony with all living beings.
Earth is our planet! Earth is our home!
“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” ― Aldo Leopold.